Sunday, December 23, 2007

More money for an "endless" war.

Last week, Democrats and Republicans voted to spend $70 Billion more to continue our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which brings us to about $600 Billion spent so far with an additional $200 Billion that Bush will be asking for in 2008. You can wrap the moon at its equator almost 6 times with that much money. If you think it went to the payroll of our brave soldiers over there, think again. Most of that money went to private contractors, defense companies, and dirty politicians. Some of it wasn't documented so no one really knows what happened to it. When asked about the missing $9 Billion (that we know of) Rumsfeld (former DOD secretary) said it was probably because of mismanagement by the civilian sector in the Pentagon and waved his hands like he was saying oh well. All of the money will be spent by next summer, so get ready for more budget cuts by then. This country is borrowing $1 Million every minute, and right now our national debt is over $9 Trillion (up from $5.7 Trillion before bush took over in 2001) which means that every man, woman, and child in the US owes $30,000 and that doesn't include our own personal debt! Back to the war funding. Since most Americans don't seem to be too happy with all of this free spending in their name on what seems to be an endless war, while many are finding it increasingly difficult to make end's meet, the main-dream-media has been working hard to condition the public that there's lots of progress in the war and things are becoming very quite over there. Just in time for the upcoming presidential elections because most candidates (except Ron Paul) have no clue what to do about it if it's to be a major issue (it will be no matter how they spin it). The New York Times covered the $70 Billion appropriations on page 24 like it was a small local story. What's being kept quite over there is really how much the embassy we're building in Iraq (that will rival the Vatican in size) and all of the military superbases will actually cost the American people. Don't look for many in Congress to do anything about it because they're more concerned with giving immunity from prosecution to corporations (big pharma, phone companies, banks) that donate more money to them than you and i ever could.

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