Friday, December 21, 2007

Current state of the world

Our world keeps changing which is part of life. But, over the past decade or so it has went through some extreme changes. Politics have been rewritten, drastic climate changes, a new endless war, high levels of frustration, and incredible corruption infesting world governments. I guess you can say that things will never be the same again. Lately, we need only to look at our country to see many of these changes. We have the most divisive politics, maybe in the history of the US. Two parties that appear to fight for us the citizens (usually when the cameras are on) but end up bowing to major corporations wishes from no-bid contracts to immunity from prosecution while the working class keeps getting squeezed. So many jobs have left the country and we may never see some of them again. Infrastructure is shrinking by the day. More public budgets are getting reduced or even completely taken away, while big corporations are posting multi billion dollar profits (one way is by not paying taxes by having a po box address in the cayman islands). People are having an increasingly difficult time putting food on their families..... i mean their table. And worst of all, we are governed by a select group that doesn't believe laws and regulation should apply to them. Not all is lost though. There are a few brave souls out there that keep fighting for real democracy and freedom. They speak the truth which many need to hear, and a few can't handle. Who are they? They're usually the ones that main-dream-media ridicule, ignore, and even attack with lies. But thank God that these brave souls are, well, brave. They won't quit their fight to bring out the truth. They keep on talking, organizing, and empowering. So what will happen tomorrow or during the next decade? Not much if you leave it up to the governments. you see, if you don't change then nothing will. That may be ok for some, but not for me or others.


Unknown said...

I look forward to the blog I think your opening statement is right on.
The world today seems to be in chaos and the United States is in the middle of a power struggle from within. We seem to be moving away from common sense and into a landscape of sound bites and preoccupation with material beauty and wealth and political correctness. Our country is plagued with mental issues and social issues many of which are created by an ever growing pharmaceutical empire and special ed empire which is fueling a growing industry of federally funded programs.. We have class warfare like never before and as you have said dynasty’s of power. Bush, Clinton, bush and maybe Clinton again. We have allowed two families to run this country for 20 years. Every society goes through a period of revolution, growth, and decline. This country is very much showing the signs of decline. If individuals allow politicians and corporations to rule their lives we will end up living in a socialist society with everything dictated to us.
For instance NJ has become the first state in the country to mandate flu shots that contain high levels of mercury to infants and pre k kids. Excuse me NJ but that is a parents right. When the state can in force what the state will inject into your child there is a huge problem. But who makes the money the pharm companies and then they donate to political funds. Many things that are done supposedly for our safety are little more then deals worked out with manufactures to force citizens to buy their products. The biggest problem facing the American citizen today is that they are giving away their rights and freedoms to an immoral few. Look at the genetic misshape called our presidential race, it would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Are these the best we can do????

Beibers said...

You are so right, my old friend. People should be horrified at the thought of another Clinton in the White House, because they forgot how ol' Bill financed Russia's war in Chechnya, among other great adventures. Our country is in a decline (just look at the dollar in the markets) mostly because of a growing empire of corporatism, and the people forgetting about how the govt is supposed to be "for the people, by the people". And like you said, more are interested in artificial beauty, political correctness, and what famous celebrity is in trouble now.