Wednesday, January 2, 2008

For the people, by the people...

That is what the founding fathers of this country had envisioned for the govt of the United States of America. Why? Because they came over here from a country that was ruled by one king after another that ran the country their way or you were tossed in some dungeon. That was one of the reasons why the USA was born. People were tired of being told how to live according to some tyrant, and most kings were. So a govt comprised of representatives of the people was in order, to give the people a chance to voice their opinions. Finally, the people's voice would be heard, or was it? For almost 3 decades the people thought the govt worked for them, and i think it did for most of the time. Many rules and regulations were passed that proved essential to improving the people's lives. Not too long ago, the working class had to work many hours every day but weren't paid for all of them. If they complained about working conditions they were harassed or even fired on the spot. Even though that still happens today (some companies would love to go back to those days), we now have regulations and agencies that work to protect the workers. Unions started to form because groups of workers realized that the elite corporate owners could only intimidate the few or the one. Then the govt started social programs to help different classes or groups of people. The idea behind these programs was a novel one, but they can only accomplish so much with insufficient funding. And lately, some of these programs have been eliminated (some were a waste) and many have seen drastic budget cuts. So how does today's govt look like? If you ask, most will probably say that it doesn't seem to have the people's interest anymore, and some would say that it has stopped listening to the people. And if you ask them who do they think the govt is listening to, they would say it's listening to big corporations with huge donations and lobbyists with major influence who can get much closer to the people's reps than the people themselves. Others would say the govt seems to care more about what's going on outside of this country than inside. You can see much of this on TV right now with the next batch of president-wannabes running from state to state trying to convince (sadly with some success) the people that they'll make things right, after being aligned with the current administration for most of it's time in power. They say they have a plan to fix everything, and they all have to be seen carrying someone's baby from the crowd (a select crowd sometimes). It seems that there isn't much difference between Washington and Hollywood these days. They're both are in the business of make believe. When you do get a candidate that speaks what's on the people's minds, the main-dream-media tries its best to ignore this person, or even create lies about the candidate to draw the people's attention away from the real issues. What will the next (and probably the most important in history) presidential election bring to the people? Hopefully, not more of the same. Hopefully.

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